gofigr package
Module contents
Copyright (c) 2022, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.GoFigr(username=None, password=None, api_key=None, url='https://api.gofigr.io', authenticate=True, anonymous=False)[source]
The GoFigr client. Handles all communication with the API: authentication, figure creation and manipulation, sharing, retrieval of user information, etc.
- property api_url
Full URL to the API endpoint.
- property app_url
Returns the URL to the GoFigr app
- create_api_key(name, expiry=None, workspace=None)[source]
Creates an API key
- Parameters:
name – name of the key to create
expiry – expiration date. If None, the key will not expire.
workspace – workspace for which the key is to be valid. If None, key will have access to the same
workspaces as the user. :return: ApiKey instance
- heartbeat(throw_exception=True)[source]
Checks whether we can communicate with the API. Currently, this works by polling /api/v1/info.
- Parameters:
throw_exception – throw an exception if response code is not 200
- Returns:
- property jwt_url
Full URL to the JWT endpoint (for authentication).
- property primary_workspace
Returns the primary workspace for this user.
- Returns:
Workspace instance
- update_user_info(user_info, username=None)[source]
Updates user information for a user.
- Parameters:
user_info – UserInfo instance
username – optional username. This is for testing only – you will get an error if attempting to update information for anybody other than yourself.
- Returns:
refreshed UserInfo from server
- user_info(username=None)[source]
Retrieves information about a user.
- Parameters:
username – username. Set to None for self.
- Returns:
UserInfo object.
- property workspaces
Returns a list of all workspaces that the current user is a member of.
- exception gofigr.MethodNotAllowedError[source]
Thrown if a given REST action is not supported/allowed.
- exception gofigr.UnauthorizedError[source]
Thrown if user doesn’t have permissions to perform an action.
- class gofigr.UserInfo(username, first_name, last_name, email, date_joined, is_active, avatar)[source]
Stores basic information about a user: username, email, etc.
- gofigr.assert_one(elements, error_none=None, error_many=None)[source]
Asserts that a list/tuple contains only a single element (raising an exception if not), and returns that element.
- Parameters:
elements – list/tuple
error_none – error message if input is empty
error_many – error message if multiple elements are present
- Returns:
the single element in the input
gofigr.jupyter module
Copyright (c) 2022, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.jupyter.FindByName(name, description=None, create=False)[source]
Used as argument to configure() to specify that we want to find an analysis/workspace by name instead of using an API ID
- class gofigr.jupyter.GfDisplayPublisher(pub)[source]
Custom IPython DisplayPublisher which traps all calls to publish() (e.g. when display(…) is called).
- publish(data, *args, **kwargs)[source]
IPython calls this method whenever it needs data displayed. Our function traps the call and calls DISPLAY_TRAP instead, giving it an option to suppress the figure from being displayed.
We use this trap to publish the figure if auto_publish is True. Suppression is useful when we want to show a watermarked version of the figure, and prevents it from being showed twice (once with the watermark inside the trap, and once without in the originating call).
- Parameters:
data – dictionary of mimetypes -> data
args – implementation-dependent
kwargs – implementation-dependent
- Returns:
- class gofigr.jupyter.Publisher(gf, annotators, backends, watermark=None, show_watermark=True, image_formats=('png', 'eps', 'svg'), interactive=True, default_metadata=None, clear=True, save_pickle=True, widget_class=<class 'gofigr.widget.DetailedWidget'>)[source]
Publishes revisions to the GoFigr server.
- annotate(rev)[source]
Annotates a FigureRevision using self.annotators. :param rev: revision to annotate :return: annotated revision
- auto_publish_hook(extension, data, suppress_display=None)[source]
Hook for automatically publishing figures without an explicit call to publish().
- Parameters:
extension – GoFigrExtension instance
data – data being published. This will usually be a dictionary of mime formats.
native_publish – callable which will publish the figure using the native backend
- Returns:
- publish(fig=None, target=None, gf=None, dataframes=None, metadata=None, backend=None, image_options=None, suppress_display=None, files=None)[source]
Publishes a revision to the server.
- Parameters:
fig – figure to publish. If None, we’ll use plt.gcf()
target – Target figure to publish this revision under. Can be a gf.Figure instance, an API ID, or a FindByName instance.
gf – GoFigure instance
dataframes – dictionary of dataframes to associate & publish with the figure
metadata – metadata (JSON) to attach to this revision
usage this will cause Jupyter to print the whole object which we don’t want. :param backend: backend to use, e.g. MatplotlibBackend. If None it will be inferred automatically based on figure type :param image_options: backend-specific params passed to backend.figure_to_bytes :param suppress_display: if used in an auto-publish hook, this will contain a callable which will suppress the display of this figure using the native IPython backend. :param files: either (a) list of file paths or (b) dictionary of name to file path/file obj
- Returns:
FigureRevision instance
- class gofigr.jupyter.SuppressDisplayTrap[source]
Context manager which temporarily suspends all display traps.
- gofigr.jupyter.configure(username=None, password=None, api_key=None, workspace=None, analysis=None, url='https://api.gofigr.io', default_metadata=None, auto_publish=True, watermark=None, annotators=(<class 'gofigr.annotators.NotebookMetadataAnnotator'>, <class 'gofigr.annotators.EnvironmentAnnotator'>, <class 'gofigr.annotators.CellIdAnnotator'>, <class 'gofigr.annotators.CellCodeAnnotator'>, <class 'gofigr.annotators.SystemAnnotator'>, <class 'gofigr.annotators.PipFreezeAnnotator'>, <class 'gofigr.annotators.BackendAnnotator'>, <class 'gofigr.annotators.HistoryAnnotator'>), notebook_name=None, notebook_path=None, backends=(<class 'gofigr.backends.plotnine.PlotnineBackend'>, <class 'gofigr.backends.matplotlib.MatplotlibBackend'>, <class 'gofigr.backends.plotly.PlotlyBackend'>, <class 'gofigr.backends.py3dmol.Py3DmolBackend'>), widget_class=<class 'gofigr.widget.DetailedWidget'>, save_pickle=True, show_watermark=True)[source]
Configures the Jupyter plugin for use.
- Parameters:
username – GoFigr username (if used instead of API key)
password – GoFigr password (if used instead of API key)
api_key – API Key (if used instead of username and password)
url – API URL
workspace – one of: API ID (string), ApiId instance, or FindByName instance
analysis – one of: API ID (string), ApiId instance, or FindByName instance
default_metadata – dictionary of default metadata values to save for each revision
auto_publish – if True, all figures will be published automatically without needing to call publish()
watermark – custom watermark instance (e.g. DefaultWatermark with custom arguments)
annotators – list of annotators to use. Default: DEFAULT_ANNOTATORS
notebook_name – name of the notebook (if you don’t want it to be inferred automatically)
notebook_path – path to the notebook (if you don’t want it to be inferred automatically)
backends – backends to use (e.g. MatplotlibBackend, PlotlyBackend)
widget_class – Widget type to show, e.g. DetailedWidget or CompactWidget. It will appear below the published figure
save_pickle – if True, will save the figure in pickle format in addition to any of the image formats
show_watermark – True to show watermarked figures instead of original. False to always display the unmodified figure. Default True.
- Returns:
- gofigr.jupyter.download_all(api_id, path)[source]
Downloads all files attached to a revision
- Parameters:
api_id – API ID of the revision containing the files
path – directory where to save the files
- Returns:
number of bytes written
- gofigr.jupyter.download_file(api_id, file_name, path)[source]
Downloads a file and saves it.
- Parameters:
api_id – API ID of the revision containing the file
file_name – name of the file to download
path – where to save the file (either existing directory or full path with the file name)
- Returns:
number of bytes written
- gofigr.jupyter.find_workspace_by_name(gf, search)[source]
Finds a workspace by name.
- Parameters:
gf – GoFigr client
search – FindByName instance
- Returns:
a Workspace object
- gofigr.jupyter.from_config_or_env(env_prefix, config_path)[source]
Decorator that binds function arguments in order of priority (most important first): 1. args/kwargs 2. environment variables 3. config file 4. function defaults
- Parameters:
env_prefix – prefix for environment variables. Variables are assumed to be named <prefix> + <name of function argument in all caps>, e.g. if prefix is
and function argument is called host_name, we’ll look for an environment variable namedMYAPP_HOST_NAME
.config_path – path to the JSON config file. Function arguments will be looked up using their verbatim names.
- Returns:
decorated function
- gofigr.jupyter.load_pickled_figure(api_id)[source]
Unpickles a GoFigr revision and returns it as a backend-specific Python object, e.g. a plt.Figure if the figure was generated with matplotlib. Throws a RuntimeException if the figure is not found or does not have pickle data.
- Parameters:
api_id – API ID of the revision
- Returns:
backend-dependent figure object, e.g. plt.Figure().
- gofigr.jupyter.parse_model_instance(model_class, value, find_by_name)[source]
Parses a model instance from a value, e.g. the API ID or a name.
- Parameters:
model_class – class of the model, e.g. gf.Workspace
value – value to parse into a model instance
find_by_name – callable to find the model instance by name
- Returns:
model instance
- gofigr.jupyter.parse_uuid(val)[source]
Attempts to parse a UUID, returning None if input is not a valid UUID.
- Parameters:
val – value to parse
- Returns:
UUID (as a string) or None
- gofigr.jupyter.publish(fig=None, backend=None, **kwargs)[source]
Publishes a figure. See
for a list of arguments. If figure and backend are both None, will publish default figures across all available backends.- Parameters:
fig – figure to publish
backend – backend to use
- Returns:
gofigr.models module
Copyright (c) 2022, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.models.Base64Field(name, parent=None, derived=False)[source]
Timestamp field
- class gofigr.models.CodeLanguage[source]
For code data objects, the programming language of the embedded code.
- PYTHON = 'Python'
- R = 'R'
- class gofigr.models.DataField(name, entity_type, many=False, read_only=False, backlink_property=None, parent=None, derived=False, sort_key=None)[source]
Customizes a LinkedEntityField so that the entity data is fully embedded in the representation
- class gofigr.models.DataType[source]
Enum for different types of data we can store inside a FigureRevision.
- CODE = 'code'
- DATA_FRAME = 'dataframe'
- FILE = 'file'
- IMAGE = 'image'
- TEXT = 'text'
- class gofigr.models.Field(name, parent=None, derived=False)[source]
Describes a dynamically created object field, i.e. figure name, revision etc.
- class gofigr.models.JSONField(name, parent=None, derived=False)[source]
Represents a field that stores JSON primitives.
- class gofigr.models.LinkSharingStatus(enabled)[source]
Stores the status of link sharing for shareable objects.
- class gofigr.models.LinkedEntityCollection(entities, read_only=False, backlink_property=None, backlink=None)[source]
Represents a collection of linked entities, i.e. figures inside an analysis
- create(new_obj, **kwargs)[source]
Creates a new object and appends it to the collection.
- Parameters:
new_obj – object to create
- Returns:
created object
- find(**kwargs)[source]
Returns the first object whose attributes match the query. E.g. find(name=’hello’, age=21) will return all objects where obj.name == “hello” and obj.age == 21.
- Parameters:
kwargs – query
- Returns:
first object that matches the query or None
- find_or_create(default_obj=None, **kwargs)[source]
Finds an object that matches query parameters. If the object doesn’t exist, it will persist default_obj and return it instead.
- Parameters:
default_obj – object to create/persist if no matches are found
kwargs – query parameters. See .find()
- Returns:
found or created object.
- class gofigr.models.LinkedEntityField(name, entity_type, many=False, read_only=False, backlink_property=None, parent=None, derived=False, sort_key=None)[source]
Represents a linked entity (or a collection of them), e.g. an Analysis inside a Workspace.
- class gofigr.models.LogItem(username, timestamp, action, target_id, target_type, deleted_sentinel=None, deleted=False, thumbnail=None, target_name=None, analysis_id=None, analysis_name=None, api_id=None, gf=None, parent=None)[source]
Represents an activity item, such as a figure being created or modified.
- class gofigr.models.LogsMixin[source]
Mixin for entities which support the /log/ endpoint.
- class gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField(name, default=None)[source]
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- class gofigr.models.ModelMixin(api_id=None, parse=False, **kwargs)[source]
Base class for GoFigr API entities: workspaces, analyses, figures, etc.
- property client
Returns the underlying GoFigr instance
- create(update=False)[source]
Creates this object on the server.
- Parameters:
update – if True and the object already exists, its properties will be updated on the server. Otherwise
trying to create an object which already exists will throw an exception.
- Returns:
- delete(**kwargs)[source]
Deletes an object on the server. This cannot be undone.
- Parameters:
kwargs – specify delete=True to actually delete the object.
- Returns:
- endpoint = None
- fetch()[source]
Updates all fields from the server. Note that any unsaved local changes will be overwritten.
- Returns:
- fields = ['api_id', '_shallow']
- save(create=False, patch=False, silent=False)[source]
Saves this object to server
- Parameters:
create – will create the object if it doesn’t already exist. Otherwise, saving a non-existing object will throw an exception.
patch – if True, will submit a partial update where some required properties may be missing. You will almost never use this: it’s only useful if for some reason you can’t/don’t want to fetch the full object before updating properties. However, the web app relies on this functionality so it’s available.
silent – if True, the server will not generate an activity for this update.
- Returns:
- to_json(include_derived=True, include_none=False)[source]
Serializes this model to JSON primitives.
- Parameters:
include_derived – if True, derived fields will be included in the representation
include_none – if True, fields set to None will be included in the representation
- Returns:
this object (and all nested/referenced fields) serialized to JSON primitives.
- class gofigr.models.NestedEntityField(name, entity_type, many=False, read_only=False, derived=False, parent=None)[source]
Represents a nested entity. Nested entities are embedded fully in the parent object’s JSON representation and cannot be manipulated on their own.
- class gofigr.models.NestedMixin[source]
Nested objects: these are not standalone (cannot be manipulated based on API ID), but are directly embedded inside other objects.
- class gofigr.models.Recents(analyses, figures)
- analyses
Alias for field number 0
- figures
Alias for field number 1
Mixins for things we can share: analyses, figures, revisions, etc.
Gets current status of link sharing
- Returns:
true if link sharing is enabled, false otherwise.
Gets a list of all users with whom this object has been shared.
- Returns:
list of SharingUserData objects.
Enabled or disables link sharing.
- Parameters:
enabled – true to enable, false to disable.
- Returns:
confirmation of link sharing status (true or false)
Shares this object with a specific user.
- Parameters:
username – name of the user to share with.
- Returns:
SharingUserData object
Unshares this object from a user.
- Parameters:
username – username of a user from whom to remove access
- Returns:
- class gofigr.models.SharingUserData(username, sharing_enabled)[source]
Stores information about a user that an object has been shared with
- class gofigr.models.ThumbnailMixin[source]
Mixin for entities which support the /log/ endpoint.
- class gofigr.models.Timestamp(name, parent=None, derived=False)[source]
Timestamp field
- class gofigr.models.WorkspaceMember(username, membership_type)[source]
Stores information about a member of a workspace
- class gofigr.models.WorkspaceMembership[source]
Enum for levels of workspace membership: owner, viewer, etc.
- ADMIN = 'admin'
- ALL_LEVELS = ['owner', 'admin', 'creator', 'viewer']
- CREATOR = 'creator'
- OWNER = 'owner'
- VIEWER = 'viewer'
- class gofigr.models.WorkspaceType[source]
Enum for workspace type
- PRIMARY = 'primary'
- SECONDARY = 'secondary'
- class gofigr.models.gf_Analysis(api_id=None, parse=False, **kwargs)[source]
Represents an analysis
- endpoint = 'analysis/'
- fields = ['api_id', '_shallow', 'name', 'description', 'size_bytes', <gofigr.models.LinkedEntityField object>, <gofigr.models.LinkedEntityField object>, 'created_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, 'updated_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, 'child_updated_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>]
- class gofigr.models.gf_ApiKey(api_id=None, parse=False, **kwargs)[source]
Represents an API key. The field ‘token’ is the actual token used to authenticate, and is always null except at key creation.
- endpoint = 'api_key/'
- fetch_and_preserve_token()[source]
Like fetch(), but preserves the token if present. This is useful because the token is only available at creation, so calling fetch() will always set it to None.
- Returns:
- fields = ['api_id', 'name', 'token', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, <gofigr.models.LinkedEntityField object>]
- class gofigr.models.gf_CodeData(contents=None, **kwargs)[source]
Serialized code data (it’s text, but stored and transmitted as bytes)
- DATA_TYPE = 'code'
- property contents
Code contents.
- Returns:
- encoding
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- format
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- language
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- metadata_fields = [<gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField object>, <gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField object>, <gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField object>]
- class gofigr.models.gf_Data(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Represents binary data (e.g. image data, serialized dataframes, etc.)
- DATA_TYPE = None
- endpoint = 'data/'
- fields = ['api_id', 'name', 'type', <gofigr.models.JSONField object>, <gofigr.models.Base64Field object>]
- property is_shallow
True if this is a shallow data object without the byte payload
- property local_id
Reserved for internal API use
- metadata_fields = []
- class gofigr.models.gf_Figure(api_id=None, parse=False, **kwargs)[source]
Represents a figure
- endpoint = 'figure/'
- fields = ['api_id', '_shallow', 'name', 'description', 'size_bytes', <gofigr.models.LinkedEntityField object>, <gofigr.models.LinkedEntityField object>, 'created_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, 'updated_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, 'child_updated_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>]
- class gofigr.models.gf_FileData(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Binary file data
- DATA_TYPE = 'file'
- metadata_fields = [<gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField object>]
- path
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- class gofigr.models.gf_ImageData(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Binary image data
- DATA_TYPE = 'image'
- format
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- property image
Returns this image as a PIL.Image object.
- Returns:
- property is_interactive
True if this figure is interactive, false otherwise
- is_watermarked
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- metadata_fields = [<gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField object>, <gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField object>]
- class gofigr.models.gf_MetadataProxy(api_id=None, parse=False, **kwargs)[source]
Represents a proxy object for sharing metadata between the GoFigr extension (server-side) and the Jupyter client.
- delete(**kwargs)[source]
Deletes an object on the server. This cannot be undone.
- Parameters:
kwargs – specify delete=True to actually delete the object.
- Returns:
- endpoint = 'metadata/'
- fetch()[source]
Updates all fields from the server. Note that any unsaved local changes will be overwritten.
- Returns:
- fields = ['api_id', 'initiator', 'token', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, <gofigr.models.JSONField object>]
- save(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Saves this object to server
- Parameters:
create – will create the object if it doesn’t already exist. Otherwise, saving a non-existing object will throw an exception.
patch – if True, will submit a partial update where some required properties may be missing. You will almost never use this: it’s only useful if for some reason you can’t/don’t want to fetch the full object before updating properties. However, the web app relies on this functionality so it’s available.
silent – if True, the server will not generate an activity for this update.
- Returns:
- class gofigr.models.gf_Revision(api_id=None, parse=False, **kwargs)[source]
Represents a figure revision
- property code_data
Returns only code data (if any)
- create(update=False)[source]
Creates a Revision on the server.
- Parameters:
update – True to update the object if it already exists
- Returns:
- endpoint = 'revision/'
- fetch(fetch_data=True)[source]
Overrides the default fetch to retrieve the data objects (with byte payload) as well. This override is necessary because the API only returns shallow data objects by default.
- Parameters:
fetch_data – whether to retrieve full data objects
- Returns:
- fields = ['api_id', 'revision_index', 'size_bytes', <gofigr.models.JSONField object>, <gofigr.models.LinkedEntityField object>, <gofigr.models.DataField object>, 'created_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, 'updated_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>]
- property file_data
Returns only file data (if any)
- property image_data
Returns only image data (if any)
- property revision_url
Returns the GoFigr URL for this revision
- save(create=False, patch=False, silent=False)[source]
Saves this object to server
- Parameters:
create – will create the object if it doesn’t already exist. Otherwise, saving a non-existing object will throw an exception.
patch – if True, will submit a partial update where some required properties may be missing. You will almost never use this: it’s only useful if for some reason you can’t/don’t want to fetch the full object before updating properties. However, the web app relies on this functionality so it’s available.
silent – if True, the server will not generate an activity for this update.
- Returns:
- property table_data
Returns only DataFrame data (if any)
- property text_data
Returns only text data (if any)
- class gofigr.models.gf_TableData(dataframe=None, **kwargs)[source]
Serialized data frame
- DATA_TYPE = 'dataframe'
- property dataframe
Parses the dataframe from the embedded stream of bytes.
- Returns:
- encoding
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- format
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- metadata_fields = [<gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField object>, <gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField object>]
- class gofigr.models.gf_TextData(contents=None, **kwargs)[source]
Serialized text data (even though it’s text, we store and transmit bytes)
- DATA_TYPE = 'text'
- property contents
Decoded text (a string)
- encoding
Field which is embedded inside the JSON metadata
- metadata_fields = [<gofigr.models.MetadataProxyField object>]
- class gofigr.models.gf_Workspace(api_id=None, parse=False, **kwargs)[source]
Represents a workspace
- add_member(username, membership_type)[source]
Adds a member to this workspace.
- Parameters:
username – username of the person to add
membership_type – WorkspaceMembership value, e.g. WorkspaceMembership.CREATOR
- Returns:
WorkspaceMember instance
- change_membership(username, membership_type)[source]
Changes the membership level for a user.
- Parameters:
username – username
membership_type – new membership type, e.g. WorkspaceMembership.CREATOR
- Returns:
WorkspaceMember instance
- endpoint = 'workspace/'
- fields = ['api_id', '_shallow', 'name', 'description', 'workspace_type', 'size_bytes', <gofigr.models.LinkedEntityField object>, 'created_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, 'updated_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, 'child_updated_by', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>]
- get_analysis(name, create=True, **kwargs)[source]
Finds an analysis by name.
- Parameters:
name – name of the analysis
create – whether to create an analysis if one doesn’t exist
kwargs – if an Analysis needs to be created, parameters of the Analysis object (such as description)
- Returns:
Analysis instance.
- class gofigr.models.gf_WorkspaceInvitation(api_id=None, parse=False, **kwargs)[source]
Represents an invitation to join a workspace.
- delete(**kwargs)[source]
Deletes an object on the server. This cannot be undone.
- Parameters:
kwargs – specify delete=True to actually delete the object.
- Returns:
- endpoint = 'invitations/workspace/'
- fetch()[source]
Updates all fields from the server. Note that any unsaved local changes will be overwritten.
- Returns:
- fields = ['api_id', 'email', 'initiator', 'token', 'status', <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, <gofigr.models.Timestamp object>, <gofigr.models.LinkedEntityField object>, 'membership_type']
gofigr.watermarks module
Copyright (c) 2022, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.watermarks.DefaultWatermark(show_qr_code=True, margin_px=10, qr_background=(0, 0, 0, 0), qr_foreground=(0, 0, 0, 153), qr_scale=2, font=None)[source]
Draws QR codes + URL watermark on figures.
- class gofigr.watermarks.Watermark[source]
Base class for drawing watermaks on figures.
- gofigr.watermarks.stack_horizontally(*images, alignment='center')[source]
Stacks images horizontally. Thanks, Stack Overflow!
gofigr.annotators module
Copyright (c) 2023, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.annotators.Annotator(extension)[source]
Annotates figure revisions with pertinent information, such as cell code, variable values, etc.
- class gofigr.annotators.BackendAnnotator(extension)[source]
Annotates revisions with the python version & the kernel info
- class gofigr.annotators.CellCodeAnnotator(extension)[source]
“Annotates revisions with cell contents
- class gofigr.annotators.CellIdAnnotator(extension)[source]
Annotates revisions with the ID of the Jupyter cell
- class gofigr.annotators.EnvironmentAnnotator(extension)[source]
Annotates revisions with the python version & the kernel info
- class gofigr.annotators.HistoryAnnotator(extension)[source]
Annotates revisions with IPython execution history
- class gofigr.annotators.NotebookMetadataAnnotator(extension)[source]
“Annotates revisions with notebook metadata, including filename & path, as well as the full URL
- class gofigr.annotators.NotebookNameAnnotator(*args, **kwargs)[source]
(Deprecated) Annotates revisions with notebook name & path
gofigr.widget module
Copyright (c) 2024, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.widget.CompactWidget(revision)[source]
Generates a compact GoFigr widget
- class gofigr.widget.DetailedWidget(revision)[source]
Generates HTML/Javascript for the GoFigr Jupyter widget shown under each figure
- class gofigr.widget.MinimalWidget(revision)[source]
Generates a compact GoFigr widget
- class gofigr.widget.WidgetBase(revision)[source]
Generates HTML/Javascript for the GoFigr Jupyter widget shown under each figure
- get_copy_link(label, watermark, image_format='png')[source]
Generates HTML/JS for the copy image button
gofigr.backends module
Copyright (c) 2023, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.backends.GoFigrBackend[source]
Base class for figure backends, e.g. matplotlib or plotly
- add_interactive_watermark(fig, rev, watermark)[source]
Adds watermark to a figure using the backend’s native objects (if supported by the backend)
- Parameters:
fig – figure to watermark
rev – FigureRevision object
watermark – DefaultWatermark instance
- Returns:
modified figure
- close(fig)[source]
Closes a figure and prevents it from being displayed. :param fig: figure to close :return: None
- figure_to_bytes(fig, fmt, params)[source]
Given a figure and an image format, converts the figure to binary representation in that format.
- Parameters:
fig – figure object
fmt – format, e.g. png
params – backend-specific parameters
- Returns:
- figure_to_html(fig)[source]
Converts a figure to interactive HTML (if supported by the backend)
- Parameters:
fig – figure to convert to HTML
- Returns:
figure as HTML string
- find_figures(shell, data)[source]
Finds all figures compatible with this backend in the current environment.
- Parameters:
shell – IPython shell
- Returns:
iterator over available figures
- get_backend_name()[source]
Gets a human-readable name of this backend. :return: backend name, a string
- get_default_figure(silent=False)[source]
Returns the default/current figure, e.g. plt.gcf() for matplotlib
- Parameters:
silent – if True, will suppress warnings/errors if default figure is unavailable
gofigr.backends.matplotlib module
Copyright (c) 2023, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.backends.matplotlib.MatplotlibBackend[source]
MatplotLib backend for GoFigr.
- close(fig)[source]
Closes a figure and prevents it from being displayed. :param fig: figure to close :return: None
- figure_to_bytes(fig, fmt, params)[source]
Given a figure and an image format, converts the figure to binary representation in that format.
- Parameters:
fig – figure object
fmt – format, e.g. png
params – backend-specific parameters
- Returns:
- find_figures(shell, data)[source]
Finds all figures compatible with this backend in the current environment.
- Parameters:
shell – IPython shell
- Returns:
iterator over available figures
- get_backend_name()[source]
Gets a human-readable name of this backend. :return: backend name, a string
- get_default_figure(silent=False)[source]
Returns the default/current figure, e.g. plt.gcf() for matplotlib
- Parameters:
silent – if True, will suppress warnings/errors if default figure is unavailable
gofigr.backends.plotly module
Copyright (c) 2023, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.backends.plotly.PlotlyBackend[source]
Plotly backend for GoFigr
- add_interactive_watermark(fig, rev, watermark)[source]
Adds watermark to a figure using the backend’s native objects (if supported by the backend)
- Parameters:
fig – figure to watermark
rev – FigureRevision object
watermark – DefaultWatermark instance
- Returns:
modified figure
- close(fig)[source]
Closes a figure and prevents it from being displayed. :param fig: figure to close :return: None
- figure_to_bytes(fig, fmt, params)[source]
Given a figure and an image format, converts the figure to binary representation in that format.
- Parameters:
fig – figure object
fmt – format, e.g. png
params – backend-specific parameters
- Returns:
- figure_to_html(fig)[source]
Converts a figure to interactive HTML (if supported by the backend)
- Parameters:
fig – figure to convert to HTML
- Returns:
figure as HTML string
- find_figures(shell, data)[source]
Finds all figures compatible with this backend in the current environment.
- Parameters:
shell – IPython shell
- Returns:
iterator over available figures
- get_backend_name()[source]
Gets a human-readable name of this backend. :return: backend name, a string
- get_default_figure(silent=False)[source]
Returns the default/current figure, e.g. plt.gcf() for matplotlib
- Parameters:
silent – if True, will suppress warnings/errors if default figure is unavailable
gofigr.backends.plotnine module
Copyright (c) 2024, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.backends.plotnine.PlotnineBackend[source]
MatplotLib backend for GoFigr.
- close(fig)[source]
Closes a figure and prevents it from being displayed. :param fig: figure to close :return: None
- figure_to_bytes(fig, fmt, params)[source]
Given a figure and an image format, converts the figure to binary representation in that format.
- Parameters:
fig – figure object
fmt – format, e.g. png
params – backend-specific parameters
- Returns:
- find_figures(shell, data)[source]
Finds all figures compatible with this backend in the current environment.
- Parameters:
shell – IPython shell
- Returns:
iterator over available figures
- get_backend_name()[source]
Gets a human-readable name of this backend. :return: backend name, a string
- get_default_figure(silent=False)[source]
Returns the default/current figure, e.g. plt.gcf() for matplotlib
- Parameters:
silent – if True, will suppress warnings/errors if default figure is unavailable
gofigr.backends.py3dmol module
Copyright (c) 2023, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC All rights reserved.
- class gofigr.backends.py3dmol.Py3DmolBackend(*args, debug=False, image_size=(1920, 1080), disable_logging=True, **kwargs)[source]
Plotly backend for GoFigr
- add_interactive_watermark(fig, rev, watermark)[source]
Adds watermark to a figure using the backend’s native objects (if supported by the backend)
- Parameters:
fig – figure to watermark
rev – FigureRevision object
watermark – DefaultWatermark instance
- Returns:
modified figure
- close(fig)[source]
Closes a figure and prevents it from being displayed. :param fig: figure to close :return: None
- figure_to_bytes(fig, fmt, params)[source]
Given a figure and an image format, converts the figure to binary representation in that format.
- Parameters:
fig – figure object
fmt – format, e.g. png
params – backend-specific parameters
- Returns:
- figure_to_html(fig)[source]
Converts a figure to interactive HTML (if supported by the backend)
- Parameters:
fig – figure to convert to HTML
- Returns:
figure as HTML string
- find_figures(shell, data)[source]
Finds all figures compatible with this backend in the current environment.
- Parameters:
shell – IPython shell
- Returns:
iterator over available figures
- get_backend_name()[source]
Gets a human-readable name of this backend. :return: backend name, a string
- get_default_figure(silent=False)[source]
Returns the default/current figure, e.g. plt.gcf() for matplotlib
- Parameters:
silent – if True, will suppress warnings/errors if default figure is unavailable