Source code for gofigr.backends.matplotlib

Copyright (c) 2023, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC
All rights reserved.

import inspect
import io

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from gofigr.backends import GoFigrBackend, get_all_function_arguments

[docs] class SuppressPltWarnings: """Temporarily suppresses matplotlib warnings.""" def __init__(self): self.plt_log = None self.log_level = None def __enter__(self): # Save initial log level self.plt_log = getattr(plt, "_log") self.log_level = getattr(self.plt_log, "level") if self.plt_log is not None else None plt.set_loglevel("error") def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # Restore log level if self.plt_log is not None and self.log_level is not None: self.plt_log.setLevel(self.log_level)
[docs] class MatplotlibBackend(GoFigrBackend): """\ MatplotLib backend for GoFigr. """
[docs] def get_backend_name(self): return "matplotlib"
[docs] def is_compatible(self, fig): return isinstance(fig, matplotlib.figure.Figure)
[docs] def is_interactive(self, fig): return False
[docs] def find_figures(self, shell, data): frames = inspect.stack() # Walk through the stack in *reverse* order (from top to bottom), to find the first call # in case display() was called recursively for f in reversed(frames): if f.function == "display" and ("IPython" in f.filename or 'matplot' in f.filename): for arg_value in get_all_function_arguments(f): if self.is_compatible(arg_value): yield arg_value break
[docs] def get_default_figure(self, silent=False): return plt.gcf()
[docs] @staticmethod def title_to_string(title): """Extracts the title as a string from a title-like object (e.g. Text)""" if title is None: return None elif isinstance(title, matplotlib.text.Text): return title.get_text() elif isinstance(title, str): return title else: return None
[docs] def get_title(self, fig): suptitle = MatplotlibBackend.title_to_string(getattr(fig, "_suptitle", "")) title = MatplotlibBackend.title_to_string(fig.axes[0].get_title() if len(fig.axes) > 0 else None) if suptitle is not None and suptitle.strip() != "": return suptitle elif title is not None and title.strip() != "": return title else: return None
[docs] def figure_to_bytes(self, fig, fmt, params): with SuppressPltWarnings(): bio = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(bio, format=fmt, **params) return
[docs] def close(self, fig): plt.close(fig)
[docs] def get_supported_image_formats(self): return ["png", "eps", "pdf", "jpeg", "jpg", "svg", "tiff"]