Copyright (c) 2023, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC
All rights reserved.
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from abc import ABC
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse
from gofigr import CodeLanguage
from gofigr.context import RevisionContext
PATH_WARNING = "To fix this warning, you can manually specify the notebook name & path in the call to configure(). " \
"Please see https://gofigr.io/docs/gofigr-python/latest/customization.html#notebook-name-path " \
"for details."
class Annotator(ABC):
Annotates figure revisions with pertinent information, such as cell code, variable values, etc.
def __init__(self, extension):
self.extension = extension
def annotate(self, revision):
Annotates the figure revision.
:param revision: FigureRevision
:return: annotated FigureRevision
return revision
class CellIdAnnotator(Annotator):
"""Annotates revisions with the ID of the Jupyter cell"""
def annotate(self, revision):
if revision.metadata is None:
revision.metadata = {}
cell_id = self.extension.cell.cell_id
except AttributeError:
cell_id = None
revision.metadata['cell_id'] = cell_id
return revision
class CellCodeAnnotator(Annotator):
""""Annotates revisions with cell contents"""
def annotate(self, revision):
if self.extension.cell is not None:
code = self.extension.cell.raw_cell
code = "N/A"
revision.data.append(revision.client.CodeData(name="Jupyter Cell",
return revision
class PipFreezeAnnotator(Annotator):
"""Annotates revisions with the output of pip freeze"""
def __init__(self, extension, cache=True):
:param extension: the GoFigr Jupyter extension
:param cache: if True, will only run pip freeze once and cache the output
self.cache = cache
self.cached_output = None
def annotate(self, revision):
if self.cache and self.cached_output:
output = self.cached_output
output = subprocess.check_output(["pip", "freeze"]).decode('ascii')
self.cached_output = output
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
output = e.output
revision.data.append(revision.client.TextData(name="pip freeze", contents=output))
return revision
class SystemAnnotator(Annotator):
"""Annotates revisions with the OS version"""
def annotate(self, revision):
output = subprocess.check_output(["uname", "-a"]).decode('ascii')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
output = e.output
revision.data.append(revision.client.TextData(name="System Info", contents=output))
return revision
NOTEBOOK_PATH = "notebook_path"
NOTEBOOK_NAME = "notebook_name"
PYTHON_VERSION = "python_version"
BACKEND_NAME = "backend"
_ACTIVE_TAB_TITLE = "active_tab_title"
def _parse_path_from_tab_title(title):
"""Parses out the notebook path from the tab/widget title"""
for line in title.splitlines(keepends=False):
m = re.match(r'Path:\s*(.*)\s*', line)
if m:
return m.group(1)
return None
class NotebookNameAnnotator(NotebookMetadataAnnotator):
"""(Deprecated) Annotates revisions with notebook name & path"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
print("NotebookNameAnnotator is deprecated. Please use NotebookMetadataAnnotator", file=sys.stderr)
class EnvironmentAnnotator(Annotator):
"""Annotates revisions with the python version & the kernel info"""
def annotate(self, revision):
if revision.metadata is None:
revision.metadata = {}
revision.metadata[NOTEBOOK_KERNEL] = sys.executable
revision.metadata[PYTHON_VERSION] = sys.version
return revision
class BackendAnnotator(Annotator):
"""Annotates revisions with the python version & the kernel info"""
def annotate(self, revision):
if revision.metadata is None:
revision.metadata = {}
context = RevisionContext.get(revision)
revision.metadata[BACKEND_NAME] = context.backend.get_backend_name() if context and context.backend else "N/A"
return revision
class HistoryAnnotator(Annotator):
"""Annotates revisions with IPython execution history"""
def annotate(self, revision):
context = RevisionContext.get(revision)
if not hasattr(context.extension.shell, 'history_manager'):
return revision
hist = context.extension.shell.history_manager
if hist is None:
return revision
revision.data.append(revision.client.CodeData(name="IPython history",
return revision