Copyright (c) 2022, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC
All rights reserved.
# Many of the properties here are defined dynamically based on Field specifications, so no-member isn't meaningful
# pylint: disable=no-member
import abc
import io
import os
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from collections import namedtuple
from http import HTTPStatus
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from uuid import uuid4
import PIL
import dateutil.parser
import pandas as pd
from gofigr.profile import MeasureExecution
class Field:
Describes a dynamically created object field, i.e. figure name, revision etc.
def __init__(self, name, parent=None, derived=False):
:param name: name of the field as it will appear in the parent object, i.e. object.<name>
:param parent: instance of the object containing the field
:param derived: whether the field is derived. Derived fields are not included in REST API calls.
self.name = name
self.parent = parent
self.derived = derived
def to_representation(self, value):
"""Converts the value of this field to a JSON-serializable primitive"""
return value
def to_internal_value(self, gf, data): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Parses the value of this field from JSON primitives.
:param gf: GoFigr instance
:param data: parsed JSON primitives
:return: parsed value
return data
def clone(self):
Creates a clone of this field.
:return: cloned field
return Field(self.name, parent=self.parent, derived=self.derived)
class JSONField(Field):
Represents a field that stores JSON primitives.
def to_representation(self, value):
return value
def to_internal_value(self, gf, data):
# This function is called on the result of response.json() which would have already parsed
# nested fields.
return data
def clone(self):
return JSONField(self.name, parent=self.parent, derived=self.derived)
class Timestamp(Field):
Timestamp field
def to_representation(self, value):
return str(value) if value is not None else None
def to_internal_value(self, gf, data):
return dateutil.parser.parse(data) if data is not None else None
def clone(self):
return Timestamp(self.name, parent=self.parent, derived=self.derived)
class Base64Field(Field):
Timestamp field
def to_representation(self, value):
return None if value is None else b64encode(value).decode('ascii')
def to_internal_value(self, gf, data):
return None if data is None else b64decode(data)
def clone(self):
return Base64Field(self.name, parent=self.parent, derived=self.derived)
class LinkedEntityCollection:
"""Represents a collection of linked entities, i.e. figures inside an analysis"""
def __init__(self, entities, read_only=False, backlink_property=None, backlink=None):
:param entities: list of entities
:param read_only: if True, you won't be able to create new entities
:param backlink_property: name of the property in each linked entity which will reference the parent object. \
For example, if this collection stores figure revisions and backlink_property = "figure", you will \
be able to refer to the parent figure as revision.figure.
:param backlink: the parent object that backlink_property will point to
self._entities = list(entities)
self.read_only = read_only
self.backlink_property = backlink_property
self.backlink = backlink
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._entities)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self._entities.__getitem__(item)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self._entities)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._entities)
def find(self, **kwargs):
Returns the first object whose attributes match the query. E.g. find(name='hello', age=21) will return
all objects where obj.name == "hello" and obj.age == 21.
:param kwargs: query
:return: first object that matches the query or None
for obj in self:
if all(getattr(obj, name) == val for name, val in kwargs.items()):
return obj
return None
def find_or_create(self, default_obj=None, **kwargs):
Finds an object that matches query parameters. If the object doesn't exist, it will persist default_obj
and return it instead.
:param default_obj: object to create/persist if no matches are found
:param kwargs: query parameters. See .find()
:return: found or created object.
obj = self.find(**kwargs)
if obj is not None:
return obj
elif default_obj is not None:
return default_obj
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find object: {kwargs}")
def create(self, new_obj, **kwargs):
Creates a new object and appends it to the collection.
:param new_obj: object to create
:return: created object
if self.read_only:
raise RuntimeError("This collection is read only. Cannot create a new object.")
if self.backlink_property is not None:
setattr(new_obj, self.backlink_property, self.backlink)
return new_obj
class LinkedEntityField(Field):
Represents a linked entity (or a collection of them), e.g. an Analysis inside a Workspace.
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(self, name, entity_type, many=False,
read_only=False, backlink_property=None, parent=None,
derived=False, sort_key=None):
:param name: field name
:param entity_type: type of the linked entity, e.g. Analysis, Figure, etc.
:param many: if False, will create a single linked entity. If True, will resolve to a LinkedEntityCollection
:param read_only: Makes the collection of linked entities read-only. Only relevant if many=True.
:param backlink_property: name of property in the linked entity which will point back to the parent
:param parent: parent object
:param derived: True if derived (won't be transmitted through the API)
:param sort_key: sort key (callable) for entities. None if no sort (default).
super().__init__(name, parent=parent, derived=derived)
self.entity_type = entity_type
self.many = many
self.read_only = read_only
self.backlink_property = backlink_property
self.sort_key = sort_key
def clone(self):
return LinkedEntityField(self.name, self.entity_type,
many=self.many, read_only=self.read_only,
parent=self.parent, derived=self.derived,
def to_representation(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
elif self.many:
sorted_value = value if self.sort_key is None else sorted(value, key=self.sort_key)
return [x.api_id for x in sorted_value]
return value.api_id
def to_internal_value(self, gf, data):
make_prefetched = lambda obj: self.entity_type(gf)(parse=True, **obj)
make_not_prefetched = lambda api_id: self.entity_type(gf)(api_id=api_id)
make_one = lambda obj: make_not_prefetched(obj) if isinstance(obj, str) else make_prefetched(obj)
if data is None:
return None
elif self.many:
sorted_vals = [make_one(api_id) for api_id in data]
if self.sort_key is not None:
sorted_vals = sorted(sorted_vals, key=self.sort_key)
return LinkedEntityCollection(sorted_vals,
return make_one(data)
class DataField(LinkedEntityField):
"""Customizes a LinkedEntityField so that the entity data is fully embedded in the representation"""
def clone(self):
return DataField(self.name, self.entity_type,
many=self.many, read_only=self.read_only,
parent=self.parent, derived=self.derived,
def _assert_not_shallow(self, obj):
if obj.api_id is not None and obj.data is None: # pylint: disable=protected-access
raise ValueError("This is a shallow Data object without any data. It cannot be saved. "
"Please call fetch() first.")
return True
def to_representation(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
elif self.many:
sorted_value = value if self.sort_key is None else sorted(value, key=self.sort_key)
return [x.to_json() for x in sorted_value if self._assert_not_shallow(x)]
return value.to_json()
class NestedEntityField(Field):
Represents a nested entity. Nested entities are embedded fully in the parent object's JSON representation
and cannot be manipulated on their own.
def __init__(self, name, entity_type, many=False, read_only=False, derived=False, parent=None):
super().__init__(name, parent=parent, derived=derived)
self.entity_type = entity_type
self.many = many
self.read_only = read_only
def clone(self):
return NestedEntityField(self.name, self.entity_type,
def to_representation(self, value):
if value is None:
return None
elif self.many:
return [x.to_json() for x in value]
return value.to_json()
def to_internal_value(self, gf, data):
make_one = lambda d: self.entity_type(gf).from_json(d)
if self.many:
coltype = tuple if self.read_only else list
return coltype([make_one(d) for d in data])
return make_one(data)
class NestedMixin(abc.ABC):
Nested objects: these are not standalone (cannot be manipulated based on API ID), but are directly embedded
inside other objects.
def to_json(self):
"""Converts this object to JSON"""
raise NotImplementedError
def from_json(cls, data):
"""Parses this object from JSON"""
raise NotImplementedError
class ModelMixin(abc.ABC):
"""Base class for GoFigr API entities: workspaces, analyses, figures, etc."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
fields = ['api_id', "_shallow"]
endpoint = None
_gf = None # GoFigr instance. Will be set dynamically.
def __init__(self, api_id=None, parse=False, **kwargs):
:param api_id: API ID
:param parse: if True, the fields' to_internal_value will be called on all properties. Otherwise, properties \
will be stored verbatim. This is to support direct object creation from Python (i.e. parse = False), and \
creation from JSON primitives (i.e. parse = True).
:param kwargs:
self.api_id = api_id
fields = [Field(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x.clone()
for x in self.fields]
for fld in fields:
fld.parent = self
self.fields = {fld.name: fld for fld in fields}
# Set all fields to None by default
for name in self.fields:
if not hasattr(self, name):
setattr(self, name, None)
self._update_properties(kwargs, parse=parse)
def __eq__(self, other):
repr1 = self.to_json()
repr2 = other.to_json()
if not set(repr1.keys()) == set(repr2.keys()):
return False
return all(repr1[k] == repr2[k] for k in repr1.keys()
if not isinstance(self.fields[k], Timestamp))
def __hash__(self):
raise RuntimeError("Model instances are not hashable")
def from_json(cls, data):
"""Parses an instance of this class from JSON data"""
return cls(**data, parse=True)
def to_json(self, include_derived=True, include_none=False):
Serializes this model to JSON primitives.
:param include_derived: if True, derived fields will be included in the representation
:param include_none: if True, fields set to None will be included in the representation
:return: this object (and all nested/referenced fields) serialized to JSON primitives.
data = {fld.name: fld.to_representation(getattr(self, fld.name, None))
for fld in self.fields.values()
if (not fld.derived or include_derived)}
if not include_none:
data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None}
return data
def _update_properties(self, props, parse=True):
for name, val in props.items():
if name not in self.fields:
field = self.fields[name]
setattr(self, name, field.to_internal_value(self._gf, val) if parse else val)
return self
def client(self):
"""Returns the underlying GoFigr instance"""
return self._gf
def list(cls):
Lists all objects from the server.
res = cls._gf._get(cls.endpoint)
return [cls(**obj, parse=True) for obj in res.json()]
def save(self, create=False, patch=False, silent=False):
Saves this object to server
:param create: will create the object if it doesn't already exist. Otherwise, saving a non-existing object \
will throw an exception.
:param patch: if True, will submit a partial update where some required properties may be missing. \
You will almost never use this: it's only useful if for some reason you can't/don't want to fetch the full \
object before updating properties. However, the web app relies on this functionality so it's available.
:param silent: if True, the server will not generate an activity for this update.
:return: self
if self.api_id is None:
if create:
return self.create(update=False)
raise RuntimeError("API ID is None. Did you forget to create() the object first?")
if silent:
params = "?silent=true"
params = ""
method = self._gf._patch if patch else self._gf._put
with MeasureExecution("Save request"):
response = method(urljoin(self.endpoint, self.api_id) + "/" + params,
with MeasureExecution("Parse response"):
return self
def _check_api_id(self):
if self.api_id is None:
raise RuntimeError("API ID is None")
def fetch(self):
Updates all fields from the server. Note that any unsaved local changes will be overwritten.
:return: self
obj = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, self.api_id + "/")).json()
return self._update_properties(obj)
def create(self, update=False):
Creates this object on the server.
:param update: if True and the object already exists, its properties will be updated on the server. Otherwise
trying to create an object which already exists will throw an exception.
:return: self
if self.api_id is not None:
if update:
return self.save()
raise RuntimeError("This entity already exists. Cannot create.")
response = self._gf._post(self.endpoint, json=self.to_json(include_derived=False),
return self
def delete(self, **kwargs):
Deletes an object on the server. This cannot be undone.
:param kwargs: specify delete=True to actually delete the object.
if 'delete' not in kwargs or not kwargs['delete']:
raise RuntimeError("Specify delete=True to delete this object. This cannot be undone.")
return self._gf._delete(urljoin(self.endpoint, self.api_id + "/"))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.to_json())
class LinkSharingStatus(NestedMixin):
"""Stores the status of link sharing for shareable objects."""
def __init__(self, enabled):
self.enabled = enabled
def from_json(cls, data):
return LinkSharingStatus(enabled=data.get('enabled', False))
def to_json(self):
return {'enabled': self.enabled}
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.to_json())
class SharingUserData(NestedMixin):
"""Stores information about a user that an object has been shared with"""
def __init__(self, username, sharing_enabled):
if username is None:
raise ValueError("Username cannot be None.")
elif sharing_enabled is None:
raise ValueError("sharing_enabled cannot be None")
self.username = username
self.sharing_enabled = sharing_enabled
def from_json(cls, data):
return SharingUserData(username=data.get('username'),
def to_json(self):
return {'username': self.username,
'sharing_enabled': self.sharing_enabled}
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.to_json())
class WorkspaceMember(NestedMixin):
"""Stores information about a member of a workspace"""
def __init__(self, username, membership_type):
if username is None:
raise ValueError("Username cannot be None")
self.username = username
self.membership_type = membership_type
def from_json(cls, data):
return WorkspaceMember(username=data.get('username'),
def to_json(self):
return {'username': self.username,
'membership_type': self.membership_type}
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.to_json())
class LogItem(NestedMixin):
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, too-many-arguments
Represents an activity item, such as a figure being created or modified.
def __init__(self, username, timestamp, action, target_id, target_type,
:param username: user who performed the activity
:param timestamp: time the activity was performed
:param action: Type of action (a string): create, create_child, view, update, move, delete
:param target_id: API ID of the target object
:param target_type: type of the target object
:param deleted_sentinel: if this is a delete action (target no longer exists), this field captures the name of
the entity that was deleted
:param deleted: True if target was deleted
:param thumbnail: base-64 encoded thumbnail image of the target object
:param target_name: not used
:param analysis_id: ID of the parent analysis
:param analysis_name: name of the parent analysis
:param api_id: API ID for this activity
:param gf: GoFigr client instance
:param parent: parent object, e.g. Workspace or Analysis
self.username, self.timestamp, self.action = username, timestamp, action
self.target_id, self.target_type = target_id, target_type
self.deleted, self.deleted_sentinel = deleted, deleted_sentinel
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
self.target_name = target_name
self.analysis_id = analysis_id
self.analysis_name = analysis_name
self.api_id = api_id
self.gf = gf
self.parent = parent
def fetch(self):
"""Fetches information about this log item from the server. API ID and parent have to be set."""
if self.api_id is None:
raise ValueError("API ID is None")
elif self.parent is None:
raise ValueError("Parent is None")
elif self.parent.api_id is None:
raise ValueError("Parent API ID is None")
# pylint: disable=protected-access
obj = self.gf._get(urljoin(self.parent.endpoint + "/" + self.parent.api_id + "/log/", self.api_id + "/")).json()
if 'timestamp' in obj.keys():
obj['timestamp'] = dateutil.parser.parse(obj['timestamp'])
for name, value in obj.items():
setattr(self, name, value)
return self
def from_json(cls, data, gf=None, parent=None):
timestamp = data.get('timestamp')
if timestamp:
timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(timestamp)
return LogItem(username=data.get('username'),
def to_json(self):
return {'username': self.username,
'timestamp': self.timestamp,
'action': self.action,
'target_id': self.target_id,
'target_type': self.target_type,
'target_name': self.target_name,
'deleted_sentinel': self.deleted_sentinel,
'thumbnail': self.thumbnail,
'deleted': self.deleted,
'analysis_id': self.analysis_id,
'analysis_name': self.analysis_name,
'api_id': self.api_id}
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.to_json())
class ShareableModelMixin(ModelMixin):
Mixins for things we can share: analyses, figures, revisions, etc.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def set_link_sharing(self, enabled):
Enabled or disables link sharing.
:param enabled: true to enable, false to disable.
:return: confirmation of link sharing status (true or false)
response = self._gf._post(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/share/link/'),
return LinkSharingStatus(response.json()).enabled
def get_link_sharing(self):
Gets current status of link sharing
:return: true if link sharing is enabled, false otherwise.
response = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/share/link/'),
return LinkSharingStatus.from_json(response.json()).enabled
def share(self, username):
Shares this object with a specific user.
:param username: name of the user to share with.
:return: SharingUserData object
response = self._gf._post(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/share/user/'),
json=SharingUserData(username=username, sharing_enabled=True).to_json(),
return SharingUserData.from_json(response.json())
def unshare(self, username):
Unshares this object from a user.
:param username: username of a user from whom to remove access
:return: SharingUserData
response = self._gf._post(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/share/user/'),
json=SharingUserData(username=username, sharing_enabled=False).to_json(),
return SharingUserData.from_json(response.json())
def get_sharing_users(self):
Gets a list of all users with whom this object has been shared.
:return: list of SharingUserData objects.
response = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/share/user/'),
return [SharingUserData.from_json(datum) for datum in response.json()]
TIMESTAMP_FIELDS = ["created_by", Timestamp("created_on"),
"updated_by", Timestamp("updated_on")]
CHILD_TIMESTAMP_FIELDS = ["child_updated_by", Timestamp("child_updated_on")]
class WorkspaceType(abc.ABC):
"""Enum for workspace type"""
SECONDARY = "secondary"
PRIMARY = "primary"
class WorkspaceMembership(abc.ABC):
"""Enum for levels of workspace membership: owner, viewer, etc."""
OWNER = "owner"
ADMIN = "admin"
CREATOR = "creator"
VIEWER = "viewer"
Recents = namedtuple("Recents", ["analyses", "figures"])
class LogsMixin:
Mixin for entities which support the /log/ endpoint.
def get_logs(self):
Retrieves the activity log.
:return: list of LogItem objects.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
response = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/log/'),
return [LogItem.from_json(datum, gf=self._gf, parent=self) for datum in response.json()]
class ThumbnailMixin:
Mixin for entities which support the /log/ endpoint.
def get_thumbnail(self, size):
Retrieves the thumbnail image.
:param size: size in pixels
:return: PIL.Image if available or None
# pylint: disable=protected-access
response = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/thumbnail/{size}'),
data = response.json()
thumb_b64 = data.get('thumbnail')
if not thumb_b64:
return None
img_data = b64decode(thumb_b64)
bio = io.BytesIO(img_data)
img = PIL.Image.open(bio)
return img
class gf_Workspace(ModelMixin, LogsMixin):
"""Represents a workspace"""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
fields = ["api_id",
LinkedEntityField("analyses", lambda gf: gf.Analysis, many=True, derived=True,
backlink_property='workspace')] + TIMESTAMP_FIELDS + CHILD_TIMESTAMP_FIELDS
endpoint = "workspace/"
def get_analysis(self, name, create=True, **kwargs):
Finds an analysis by name.
:param name: name of the analysis
:param create: whether to create an analysis if one doesn't exist
:param kwargs: if an Analysis needs to be created, parameters of the Analysis object (such as description)
:return: Analysis instance.
return self.analyses.find_or_create(name=name,
default_obj=self._gf.Analysis(name=name, **kwargs) if create else None)
def get_invitations(self):
Gets members of this workspace.
:return: list of WorkspaceMember objects
response = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/invitations/'),
return [self._gf.WorkspaceInvitation(**datum, parse=True) for datum in response.json()]
def get_members(self):
Gets members of this workspace.
:return: list of WorkspaceMember objects
response = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/members/'),
return [WorkspaceMember.from_json(datum) for datum in response.json()]
def add_member(self, username, membership_type):
Adds a member to this workspace.
:param username: username of the person to add
:param membership_type: WorkspaceMembership value, e.g. WorkspaceMembership.CREATOR
:return: WorkspaceMember instance
response = self._gf._post(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/members/add/'),
json=WorkspaceMember(username=username, membership_type=membership_type).to_json(),
return WorkspaceMember.from_json(response.json())
def change_membership(self, username, membership_type):
Changes the membership level for a user.
:param username: username
:param membership_type: new membership type, e.g. WorkspaceMembership.CREATOR
:return: WorkspaceMember instance
response = self._gf._post(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/members/change/'),
json=WorkspaceMember(username=username, membership_type=membership_type).to_json(),
return WorkspaceMember.from_json(response.json())
def remove_member(self, username):
Removes a member from this workspace.
:param username: username
:return: WorkspaceMember instance
response = self._gf._post(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/members/remove/'),
json=WorkspaceMember(username=username, membership_type=None).to_json(),
return WorkspaceMember.from_json(response.json())
def get_recents(self, limit=100):
Gets the most recently created or modified analyses & figures.
:param limit: maximum number of elements to retrieve.
:return: Instance of the Recents object
response = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, f'{self.api_id}/recent/?limit={limit}'),
data = response.json()
analyses = [self._gf.Analysis(**datum) for datum in data.get("analyses", [])]
figures = [self._gf.Figure(**datum) for datum in data.get("figures", [])]
return Recents(analyses, figures)
class gf_Analysis(ShareableModelMixin, LogsMixin, ThumbnailMixin):
"""Represents an analysis"""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
fields = ["api_id",
LinkedEntityField("workspace", lambda gf: gf.Workspace, many=False),
LinkedEntityField("figures", lambda gf: gf.Figure, many=True, derived=True,
backlink_property='analysis')] + TIMESTAMP_FIELDS + CHILD_TIMESTAMP_FIELDS
endpoint = "analysis/"
class DataType(abc.ABC):
Enum for different types of data we can store inside a FigureRevision.
DATA_FRAME = "dataframe"
CODE = "code"
IMAGE = "image"
TEXT = "text"
FILE = "file"
class gf_Data(ModelMixin):
"""Represents binary data (e.g. image data, serialized dataframes, etc.)"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
fields = ["api_id",
metadata_fields = []
endpoint = "data/"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.type = kwargs.pop('type', self.DATA_TYPE)
self.metadata = kwargs.pop('metadata', {})
# Assign metadata fields
for meta in self.metadata_fields:
if meta.name in kwargs:
self.metadata[meta.name] = kwargs[meta.name]
elif meta.name not in self.metadata:
self.metadata[meta.name] = meta.default
# Assign a new local ID (unless one already exists)
if 'local_id' in kwargs:
self.local_id = kwargs['local_id']
if self.local_id is None:
self.local_id = str(uuid4())
def local_id(self):
"""Reserved for internal API use"""
if self.metadata is None or 'local_id' not in self.metadata:
return None
return self.metadata['local_id']
def local_id(self, value):
"""Reserved for internal API use"""
if self.metadata is None:
self.metadata = {}
self.metadata['local_id'] = value
def is_shallow(self):
"""True if this is a shallow data object without the byte payload"""
return self.api_id is not None and self.data is None
def specialize(self):
"""Creates a specialized data instance, e.g. ImageData, based on the data type"""
supported_types = {
DataType.IMAGE: self.client.ImageData,
DataType.CODE: self.client.CodeData,
DataType.TEXT: self.client.TextData,
DataType.DATA_FRAME: self.client.TableData,
DataType.FILE: self.client.FileData
if self.type not in supported_types:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data type: {self.type}. No specialized class exists.")
return supported_types[self.type](api_id=self.api_id,
def __eq__(self, other):
repr1 = self.to_json()
repr2 = other.to_json()
if not set(repr1.keys()) == set(repr2.keys()):
return False
return all(repr1[k] == repr2[k] for k in repr1.keys()
if not isinstance(self.fields[k], Timestamp) and k != "api_id")
def __repr__(self):
dat = self.to_json()
dat['data'] = f"<{len(self.data)} bytes>" if self.data else None
return str(dat)
class gf_ImageData(gf_Data):
"""Binary image data"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
is_watermarked = MetadataProxyField("is_watermarked", default=False)
format = MetadataProxyField("format")
metadata_fields = [is_watermarked, format]
def is_interactive(self):
"""True if this figure is interactive, false otherwise"""
return self.format == "html"
def image(self):
Returns this image as a PIL.Image object.
:return: PIL.Image
if self.is_interactive:
raise RuntimeError("This is an interactive figure.")
if self.data is None:
return None
bio = io.BytesIO(self.data)
img = PIL.Image.open(bio)
return img
class gf_FileData(gf_Data):
"""Binary file data"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
path = MetadataProxyField("path")
metadata_fields = [path]
def read(cls, path):
Creates a new FileData object from the contents of a file.
:param path: path of the file to read
:return: FileData object
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
return cls(data=f.read(), name=os.path.basename(path), path=path)
def write(self, path):
"""Writes the contents of this file to the given path"""
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
class CodeLanguage(abc.ABC):
For code data objects, the programming language of the embedded code.
PYTHON = "Python"
R = "R"
class gf_CodeData(gf_Data):
"""Serialized code data (it's text, but stored and transmitted as bytes)"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
language = MetadataProxyField("language")
format = MetadataProxyField("format")
encoding = MetadataProxyField("encoding", default="utf-8")
metadata_fields = [language, format, encoding]
def __init__(self, contents=None, **kwargs):
:param contents: code string. Will be encoded and stored internally as bytes.
:param kwargs: same parameters as the Data constructor
if contents is not None:
self.contents = contents
self.format = kwargs.get("format", "text")
def contents(self):
Code contents.
return self.data.decode(self.encoding) if self.data is not None else None
def contents(self, value):
Sets the code contents.
:param value:
self.data = value.encode(self.encoding) if value is not None else None
class gf_TextData(gf_Data):
"""Serialized text data (even though it's text, we store and transmit bytes)"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
encoding = MetadataProxyField("encoding", default="utf-8")
metadata_fields = [encoding]
def __init__(self, contents=None, **kwargs):
if contents is not None:
self.contents = contents
def contents(self):
Decoded text (a string)
return self.data.decode(self.encoding) if self.data is not None else None
def contents(self, value):
Setter for the text.
:param value:
self.data = value.encode(self.encoding) if value is not None else None
class gf_TableData(gf_Data):
"""Serialized data frame"""
# pylint: disable=no-member
format = MetadataProxyField("format")
encoding = MetadataProxyField("encoding", default="utf-8")
metadata_fields = [format, encoding]
def __init__(self, dataframe=None, **kwargs):
:param dataframe: pd.DataFrame to store. Will be converted to CSV and stored as bytes.
:param kwargs: same as Data
self.format = "pandas/csv"
if dataframe is not None:
self.dataframe = dataframe
def dataframe(self):
Parses the dataframe from the embedded stream of bytes.
return pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(self.data), encoding=self.encoding) if self.data is not None else None
def dataframe(self, value):
Stores the dataframe by converting to CSV and saving as bytes.
:param value: pd.DataFrame instance
self.data = value.to_csv().encode(self.encoding) if value is not None else None
class gf_Revision(ShareableModelMixin, ThumbnailMixin):
"""Represents a figure revision"""
fields = ["api_id", "revision_index", "size_bytes",
LinkedEntityField("figure", lambda gf: gf.Figure, many=False),
DataField("data", lambda gf: gf.Data, many=True),
endpoint = "revision/"
def _replace_data_type(self, data_type, value):
Because different data types (image, text, etc.) are stored in a flat list, this is a convenience
function to only replace data of a certain type and nothing else.
:param data_type: type of data to replace
:param value: value to replace it with
:return: None
# pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition, attribute-defined-outside-init
other = [dat for dat in self.data if dat.type != data_type]
self.data = other + list(value)
def _restore_data(self, data_copy):
Restores data from a copy. This function is necessary because the API only returns shallow data objects
(no bytes) which, based on the base ModelMixin, will overwrite actual data in this object.
:param data_copy:
# Fill in API IDs for data objects
local_id_to_api_id = {obj.local_id: obj.api_id for obj in self.data}
for datum in data_copy:
datum.api_id = local_id_to_api_id[datum.local_id]
self.data = data_copy # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
return self
def create(self, update=False):
Creates a Revision on the server.
:param update: True to update the object if it already exists
:return: self
# The server will return a shallow copy of the data objects, without the byte payload.
# Instead of requesting that data separately (slow), we simply preserve the submitted data.
data_copy = self.data
return self
def fetch(self, fetch_data=True):
Overrides the default fetch to retrieve the data objects (with byte payload) as well. This override
is necessary because the API only returns shallow data objects by default.
:param fetch_data: whether to retrieve full data objects
:return: self
if fetch_data:
return self
def save(self, create=False, patch=False, silent=False):
# The server will return a shallow copy of the data objects, without the byte payload.
# Instead of requesting that data separately (slow), we simply preserve the submitted data.
data_copy = self.data
super().save(create=create, patch=patch, silent=silent)
return self
def _assert_data_not_shallow(self, message="This revision contains shallow data. Did you call fetch_data?"):
for datum in self.data:
if datum.is_shallow:
raise RuntimeError(message)
def fetch_data(self):
"""Fetches all data objects"""
if self.data is None:
return self
for data in self.data:
return self
def _update_properties(self, props, parse=True):
super()._update_properties(props, parse=parse)
if self.data is None:
self.data = []
self.data = [dat.specialize() for dat in self.data]
return self
def revision_url(self):
"""Returns the GoFigr URL for this revision"""
return f"{self._gf.app_url}/r/{self.api_id}"
def image_data(self):
"""Returns only image data (if any)"""
return [dat for dat in self.data if dat.type == DataType.IMAGE]
def image_data(self, value):
self._replace_data_type(DataType.IMAGE, value)
def file_data(self):
"""Returns only file data (if any)"""
return [dat for dat in self.data if dat.type == DataType.FILE]
def file_data(self, value):
self._replace_data_type(DataType.FILE, value)
def table_data(self):
"""Returns only DataFrame data (if any)"""
return [dat for dat in self.data if dat.type == DataType.DATA_FRAME]
def table_data(self, value):
self._replace_data_type(DataType.DATA_FRAME, value)
def code_data(self):
"""Returns only code data (if any)"""
return [dat for dat in self.data if dat.type == DataType.CODE]
def code_data(self, value):
self._replace_data_type(DataType.CODE, value)
def text_data(self):
"""Returns only text data (if any)"""
return [dat for dat in self.data if dat.type == DataType.TEXT]
def text_data(self, value):
self._replace_data_type(DataType.TEXT, value)
class gf_ApiKey(ModelMixin):
Represents an API key. The field 'token' is the actual token used to authenticate, and is always null
except at key creation.
fields = ["api_id",
LinkedEntityField("workspace", lambda gf: gf.Workspace, many=False),]
endpoint = "api_key/"
def fetch_and_preserve_token(self):
Like fetch(), but preserves the token if present. This is useful because the token is only available
at creation, so calling fetch() will always set it to None.
# pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition,attribute-defined-outside-init
tok = self.token
self.token = tok
return self
class gf_WorkspaceInvitation(ModelMixin):
Represents an invitation to join a workspace.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def _require_token(self):
if self.token is None:
raise ValueError("This action requires a valid token")
def fetch(self):
Updates all fields from the server. Note that any unsaved local changes will be overwritten.
:return: self
if self.token is not None:
obj = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, self.token)).json()
obj = self._gf._get(urljoin(self.endpoint, self.api_id)).json()
return self._update_properties(obj)
def delete(self, **kwargs):
return self.client._delete(urljoin(self.endpoint, self.api_id))
def accept(self):
"""Accepts this invitation"""
return self.client._post(urljoin(self.endpoint, self.token + "/accept"), json={})
fields = ["api_id",
LinkedEntityField("workspace", lambda gf: gf.Workspace, many=False),
endpoint = "invitations/workspace/"