Source code for gofigr.backends.plotnine
Copyright (c) 2024, Flagstaff Solutions, LLC
All rights reserved.
import inspect
import io
import sys
import plotnine
from gofigr.backends import GoFigrBackend, get_all_function_arguments
from gofigr.backends.matplotlib import SuppressPltWarnings
class PlotnineBackend(GoFigrBackend):
MatplotLib backend for GoFigr.
def find_figures(self, shell, data):
frames = inspect.stack()
# Walk through the stack in *reverse* order (from top to bottom), to find the first call
# in case display() was called recursively
for f in reversed(frames):
if ("ipython_display" in f.function or "draw" in f.function) and f.filename.endswith(""):
for arg_value in get_all_function_arguments(f):
if self.is_compatible(arg_value):
yield arg_value
def get_default_figure(self, silent=False):
if not silent:
print("plotnine does not have a default figure. Please specify a figure to publish.", file=sys.stderr)
def figure_to_bytes(self, fig, fmt, params):
with SuppressPltWarnings():
bio = io.BytesIO(), format=fmt, verbose=False, **params)
def get_supported_image_formats(self):
return ["png", "eps", "pdf", "jpeg", "jpg", "svg", "tiff"]