
QR code & watermarks

You can customize the QR code (or disable it altogether) by specifying a custom watermark in the call to gofigr.jupyter.configure(). See gofigr.watermarks.DefaultWatermark for other parameters.

%reload_ext gofigr

from gofigr.jupyter import *
configure(analysis=FindByName("Documentation examples", create=True),


GoFigr implements Annotators, an extensible framework for automatically including relevant data when publishing revisions. You can use this mechanism to automatically attach the output of pip freeze, for example.

Out of the box, GoFigr includes the following annotators:

  • gofigr.jupyter.NotebookNameAnnotator: annotates revisions with the name & path of the current notebook

  • gofigr.jupyter.CellCodeAnnotator: annotates revisions with the code of the Jupyter cell

  • gofigr.jupyter.CellIdAnnotator: annotates revisions with the Jupyter Cell ID (only available in Jupyter Lab)

  • gofigr.jupyter.PipFreezeAnnotator: annotates revisions with the output of pip freeze

  • gofigr.jupyter.SystemAnnotator: annotates revisions with uname -a

Notebook name & path

GoFigr uses ipynbname to infer the name & path of the currently running notebook. While this works well most of the time, it may not work in certain configurations. For example, it doesn’t work if the notebook is executed programmatically with nbconvert. Other exceptions may exist, as well.

GoFigr will show a warning if the notebook name or path cannot be obtained. To fix, you can specify them in the call to configure:

%reload_ext gofigr

from gofigr.jupyter import *
configure(analysis=FindByName("Documentation examples", create=True),
          notebook_name="my notebook",

Implementing custom annotators

To implement a custom annotator, simply subclass gofigr.jupyter.Annotator. For example, here’s how pip freeze is implemented:

class PipFreezeAnnotator(Annotator):
    """Annotates revisions with the output of pip freeze"""
    def annotate(self, revision):
            output = subprocess.check_output(["pip", "freeze"]).decode('ascii')
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            output = e.output"pip freeze", contents=output))
        return revision

You can annotate revisions with:

Specifying annotators

You can override the default annotators in the call to gofigr.jupyter.configure():

%reload_ext gofigr

from gofigr.jupyter import *
from gofigr.watermarks import DefaultWatermark

configure(..., annotators=DEFAULT_ANNOTATORS)